Wednesday 31 October 2012


We all have secrets which drown us and make us lose trust in the people we love the most.

The societies new search!

This hurts!

The person in the mirror

I swear I would grab the girl in the mirror and rip her apart! I would punch her, yell to her. And then when she starts crying I would hold her in my arms and cry with her. I would say:"why are you doing to yourself?" and she would say:" I have no idea." then we will spend a long time just sitting on the ground crying. No words being said. Because we know what the other one has to say. I would love the girl in the mirror and try and make her feel better. But I can't. The two are same person. And the girl in the mirror doesn't love herself. so it just becomes a circle of loneliness and despair. The girl in the mirror needs to learn how to live herself. She needs the love.
Love the people who least deserve it... Because that's when they truly need it.

Not fair

It's funny that one day you wake up and you are a different person. Not a good one. One that is mean, cuts and depressed. It's scary how a person can change and not know why. It's sad how someone can bully you so much that you spent your day crying in the bathrooms. It's not fair. I never did anything to you. It's scary how a 14 year old can hate herself so much. It's sad how many people open their own flesh just to feel something. It's really scary. Really. It's not fair that so many people take their own lives away because of people who talk shit about them. WHY!!! It's not fucking fair!!! People have feelings! Stop bullying! People get damaged because of all this! The type of damage that you can't really fix...